Wednesday, August 22, 2012

I Missed You Mommy

After driving with no headlights last night {high beams only}, I was happy to make it home without getting pulled over. I love my job, but I do not love the late nights when they are required. Especially when I miss giving my daughter baths, washing her hair and combing out her little curls. I hate missing out on picking out the pjs and other "goodnight" rituals.

And although Taty should have been fast asleep, she was cuddled in my bed with Daddy. I could hear her little voice asking, "where's Mommy" and saying, "I need Mommy." Not upset or sad. Just having a regular conversation with her Dad. Letting him know she wanted me nearby.

When I crept in the room, her entire face lit up. She jumped up, ran over to me and exclaimed, "Mommy! I missed you!" Oh how my heart swelled. It's amazing. <3.kiah

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

14 Months ... And Counting

Life isn't what it use to be. Say two years ago. Then it was lots of fun and travels, now it's full of fun and babble. Ha! That was lame.

So the Tat Tat is now on her way to 15 months old. Where does time go? Hopefully, we can watch it unfold together in this blog.

But today is a very special day! It's Auntie Shon's birthday. Happy birthday to my big sister. Love you!!!